Here are some of the sites I have found most helpful
Please click on the buttons to go to each site
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
The AIDS Daily Summary Database
Site for healthcare workers--Excellent site
This site has a glossary for all terms pertaining to HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS Information Resource
Our wish is that no one else becomes infected with HIV
This is an excellent story of living with HIV
Marty Howard's HIV/AIDS HomePage
He was on the 48-Hours program on Gene Therapy
that aired Feb. 9, 1995. Tons of information here.
Fight AIDS, Not People With AIDS
Help bring an end to AIDS
The Campaign for Health Care Worker Safety
Site by another HIV+ nurse
Women infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS
National Association of People with AIDS
Voice for the needs and concerns of all people
infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
Amazon has a wide selection of books from
nutrition to law
Page design from Lori's Heavenly Creations